We Are The Early Humans.

August 4, 2013


We Are The Early Humans.

Since 2014, when this website was first conceived, we have had 7 years of struggle, but nothing substantial has cut through to avert catastrophic climate change, and now the serious effects are coming upon everyone, fast.

2021 brings me to a renewed acceptance that cooperative adaptations to severe and catastrophic climate events are our only meaningful and practical options.

Many people still cling to the hope that if we could only have clean energy, it would all be fine.

Although it is challenging to hear, leadership and powerful interests have won that struggle, such that we have no alternative but to find local solutions, as larger scale, consensus based ones have sailed with that 7 year tide.

I’m remaining relational and ultimately both pragmatic and enthusiastic.

On my national Biosphere Reconciliation Walk I’m going to post short pieces on what I find useful, having the view that sharing might be the only optimal strategy now. Some of that will be how to understand the past, What Happened Here, and What Happens Now in places and cultural contexts. Many of those local solutions were developed by people who changed their ways deliberately, which took some effort, courage and maturity. Realistically, that’s going to be a real challenge for many if not most of us, still clinging to our service and commodity based cultures. We will have to learn to do many more things for ourselves, and share the knowledge with others, and accept their sharing of knowledge with us.

We are the early humans. We still collectively squabble and fight over money, food and sex matters- aspects of our life which retain the ability to distract us form what is now our core demand right now- cooperative survival of humans AND habitat.

Nobody survives here beyond a human lifetime, but we are going to have to relearn what earlier smaller groups self-consciously determined were cultural priorities, and sharing is the first item on the list.

If there are to be ANY later, mature humans, and human groups able to survive and thrive, we need to grow beyond our corals, cages and bondage-or go down clinging to them.

A first step is experimenting with new-and old-ways of being and doing human.

Local solutions may be useful to others too.

Our creativity as a species, maybe, is just beginning.

Lets get started, head out, and find what energises us, so we are no longer be just the early humans.


Biosphere Reconciliation Walk 2022…


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